New Home for Saturday DSSTV Net

The Saturday Digital Slow Scan TV Net will be moving to a new home starting February 11, 2017.

Pat Browns (WN8Z) has been graciously allowing the DSSTV net on Saturday evenings for several years on his 147.390 repeater located in Fulton, NY.

It is a System Fusion Digital repeater that he has operated in analog mode for some time now.

He has decided that our amateur community will best be served by operating it in a fully digital capacity and include the WIRES-X technology.

In making the change-over, Pat has seen a dramatic increase in repeater traffic.

Unfortunately, this means that the Saturday DSSTV net will be unable to continue on this repeater as it would exclude many hams who only operate analog equipment.

The purpose of the Saturday DSSTV net is to further the interest in the digital slow scan aspect of ham radio.

It was started many years ago by John Long (N2YEK) and has been hosted by Rick Catlin (KD2HLB) since October 10, 2015.

To permit the greatest number of hams the opportunity to participate in the net, Kevin Tubbs (KD2SL) has agreed to allow the net on his 146.670 analog repeater which will be linked to his 6 and 10 meter repeaters.

These repeaters are located on Sentinel Heights and are sponsored by LARC.

The Saturday DSSTV net uses a free software called EasyPal which is easy to use even for those just beginning in ham radio.

The net will continue to be on Saturday evenings at 7:30 PM.

We look forward to seeing you there!