A Few Updates

Just a quick update on a few things:

1. The next meeting is on Sept 3rd, at 7:00pm at Marcy Town Hall. This is an important meeting, since it’s the first meeting since spring. We hope to see everyone in attendance.

2. There will be a small presentation by N2TOB regarding the website, how to create an account and how to upload pictures to the website. We hope you can stick around for it.

3. The club has some upcoming events in the works that we’ll need volunteers for! These will be discussed at the meeting. Please let us know if you can help out.

Also if you have anything you’d like to see on the website, pictures, notices, birthdays, upcoming events, anything at all, please feel free to contact the webmaster at CNYARACLUB@GMAIL.COM – or get in touch with one of the board members of the club.