STEM Camporee

So here is the update:

The STEM Camporee went very well despite the rain all day. We were able to keep in contact with Virginia for most of the duration. We first contacted Pennsylvania Scout Troop and helped some Scouts receive their Amateur Radio Badge. Then later we contacted another Scout Troop, this one in Virginia and we stayed in contact, changing frequencies occasionally, for 4 hours on the same band. That was the best part of the day. Talking to the groups that came to our tent and letting them talk to fellow scouts in Virginia who were doing a similar demonstration. It worked out so well and JJ, Allan, Josiah and Marc all helped out with the days events. Later on Sean and his daughter came by and assisted. It was a wonderful time to share our hobby. Pictures are in the Photo Gallery, enjoy.

73, All.

Join us if you can.  The CNYARA Club is helping with the STEM Camporee being held at Griffiss Base, Rome, NY on May 19th.  We’ll be demonstrating some different radio protocols, contacts and methods.  Expected to be helping with the Scouts from about 9am to 4pm.  Will update after the event on how it went.  73 All.
