Results of Field Day 2022

Well this years Field Day for the CNYARC was a huge success with lots of visitors and participants. We operated from start to finish in wonderful weather. It did get a bit hot, but it was workable. We ran entirely from non-commercial power (all battery or solar) so we were able to be a 4A station in Western NY. Our club call sign on the air was N2CNY and we operated the full spectrum available to us on the Extra Class permissions from our president KR2HWK (Marc).

The most successful bands were 80m, 40m, and 20m. This year we were able to operate on FT8 and had a club member assist with making a satellite contact through AO-7 at 1907 hrs. with W8DC a 3A station in Michigan. That was worth standing in the sun to hear, witness, and record. Other good examples of our activities were taking and passing traffic during OCTEN that evening and everyone attempting to utilize different types of antennas and deployment situations.

This activity helped some of our members go out and upgrade their licenses and to improve their CW skills for next year. This also prompted some to upgrade their mobile equipment for a possible deployment of an emergency situation in the future, like for ARES or RACES situations.

All in all we had a good time and learned a lot during the time with several new members participating and assisting. Everyone is already looking forward to next years event. Check out the photo gallery below to see the fun.
